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Club Boats - How to Book

(To download the notes below as a pdf (printable) file click here)

How to Book a Club Boat

Go to WebCollect Seafarer Sailing Club's Home page:

You do not have to sign in at this stage. However, if you do, you will be taken to your own Home page. See note "My Home to SSC Home" below for directions on how to return to SSC Home page.

On the SSC Home page you will see Club Boat Booking (circled in illustration above). Click this link. You will be taken to the first Club Boat Booking page:

Click on Club Boat Booking (circled). If you are not already signed in, you will be taken to the sign in page:

After signing in, you will be taken to the second Club Boat Booking page:

If your name does not appear in the list on this page, this will probably be because you have not been approved to take out any club boats. In this event, please contact the Membership Secretary who will arrange for you to be checked out and for WebCollect to be updated.

Before booking a boat, you need to check that it is not already booked. To do that click show (circled in above illustration).

The list of bookings below will appear. Scroll to the bottom to check that, on the date that you want it, the boat that you want is not already booked.

If the boat you want is available when you want it, click Back to Club Boat Booking (circled above). This takes you back to the second Club Boat Booking page.

Scroll to the bottom.

Check Number of tickets is '1'.

Click Add to basket.

The WebCollect general booking page appears:

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Click on Checkout (circled).

Annoyingly, you will then be asked to check your details:

If your details have not changed, click on Save and proceed to checkout (circled above).

This takes you to the final Boat Booking page:

Fill in the boxes at the top of the page as follows:

  1. Date. Enter the date you want to book the boat out or click on date in calendar.
  2. Time: From dropdown menu select AM, PM, All Day, or All Weekend.
  3. Name: Select your name from the dropdown menu. *
  4. Boat: Select boat you wish to use from the dropdown menu. *

* If your name or the class of boat you wish to use are not in a dropdown menu, this will probably be because you have not been approved to take out any boats or that particular boat. In this event, please contact the Membership Secretary who will arrange for you to be checked out and for WebCollect to be updated.

Finally, scroll to the foot of the page, click the Declaration then Save (circled above).

This will take you to the checkout confirmation where you then press Place order.

That sends a confirmation email to you. It also informs the Membership Secretary that there has been a booking.

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'My Home' to 'SSC Home' (and vice versa)

My Home to SSC Home:

Click on Seafarers Sailing Club (circled)

SSC Home to My Home:

Click on My home (circled)

Note: My home is only visible when you are signed in.


Last updated 19:07 on 26 July 2024

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