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Using Duty Roster

  • Duty Roster is only accessible to Logged-in members.
  • Duty Roster can be found in the MY HOME menu.


Duty Roster is an important element of the Club website. It is integrated with the Programme and is fully automated. It provides:

  1. The Duty Roster webpage listing each Programme event with associated duties and the name/role of the person allocated or volunteered to perform it.
  2. The relevant detail from the Duty Roster at the foot of each Event webpage - for example, Event webpage for Race Summer 5 will list Duty Crew.
  3. The My duties webpage which identifies for the individual who has Logged-in, all his future duties.
  4. Email notifications to individuals of all their forthcoming duties at the beginning of the season and when new events/duties appear.
  5. Email reminders to individuals prior to their duties.
  6. An online swap and transfer system which automatically updates Duty Roster.
  7. An up-to-date list of Duty Crew for the Race Officer (RO).

Acknowledging Duties

When you are allocated a duty:

  1. You will receive an email inviting you to "Accept" responsibility for the duty
  2. In the Duty Roster Contact/Status column, alongside your name you will see the word "Pending"
  3. The duty will appear in My duties marked Accept.

When you have Accepted the duty:

  1. "Pending" will be deleted from Duty Roster
  2. The status in My duties will change to Swap / Transfer.

Swapping Duties

As explained above, the 'Swap' button does not appear until the duty has been accepted; you have to 'Accept' a duty before you can swap it.

Having accepted a duty, to swap it go to My duties (here), find the duty you wish to swap away from and click on Swap .. ..

Warning; the Swap and Transfer buttons may look like one button - do not click on the wrong one .. .. ..

The dialogue box below appears. It will include a table showing all the duties that are available for you to apply to swap to. They should all be for the same role as yours ie Beach Crew for Beach Crew, RO for RO, PB Helm for PB Helm.

  1. Fill in the "Please explain why you would like to swap your duty" box.
  2. Identify up to ten duties that you would be happy to do by putting a tick in the box(es).
  3. When you have finished ticking boxes, click on Request Duty Swap. WARNING: After you click Request Duty Swap, it can take a few seconds for the screen to change. If you click the button again (and again, and again) before the screen changes, you will generate multiple, identical swap requests. As explained in the published WARNING below, this can have unintended consequences.
  4. Each person you have requested to swap with will receive an email relating to each of their duties that you have offered to swap with. They may accept, reject, or ignore your request.
  5. If one of your requests is accepted, you will receive an email inviting you to confirm the swap. Simply follow the instructions.
  6. You can see the status of your swap requests, and make changes to them, via the Duty Swaps page (here).

To cancel a swap request, go to My duties and click the CANCEL button that is visible beside the duty that you requested the swap for:

Tip: If your swap request has not been satisfied after a week or so, the email will have disappeared from addressees Inboxes and have been forgotten. Cancel your swap request and set up a new one.

WARNING - Unintended Swaps: After swapping a duty, never leave an "open" swap request.

  1. If you set up a swap request for a duty then you manage to rid yourself of that duty by accepting somebody else's swap request, your original request will still be active. Go to My duties and CANCEL your request.
  2. Do not issue more than one swap request for the same duty. If you accidentally duplicate your request, go to My duties and delete any duplicates.
  3. If you do issue more than one swap request for the same duty, after you have swapped, go to My duties and CANCEL any unresolved (active) requests.

Transferring Duties

Using Transfer instead of Swap, you pass your duty to another member without taking their duty in exchange. The person you transfer your duty to must be suitably "qualified" ie a Tractor Driver duty can only be transferred to a member who is an authorised tractor driver.

Note/Warning: Before you attempt to transfer a duty, first ensure that the person you intend sending the invitation to has already agreed to take your duty. If you send a Transfer invitation to someone who is not expecting it, they may mistake it for a Swap request.

To Transfer one of your duties, go to My duties (here), find the duty you wish to transfer and click on Transfer.. ...

This dialogue box appears:

  1. Start typing the name of the person you wish to ask to accept your duty in the box headed "Who would you like to transfer this duty to?".
  2. Provided that person is approved to do that specific duty, his name will appear beneath the box. Click on it.
  3. Add comment to the "Please explain why" box.
  4. Click on Request Duty Transfer .. ..

The named member will now receive an email containing a message similar to this: "Dear Sir or Madam, Mike Burlingham has asked if they can transfer the following duty to you: Assistant Race Officer Test Day 2 (25 Dec) 25/Dec/2024. You can respond from your club portal."

Note: "Your club portal" is the part of the Club website known to you as "MY HOME".

The recipient of your Transfer request should now go to MY HOME/Duty swaps where they will find this:

If they click on Accept, you will receive an email confirming that your transfer request has been accepted and they will receive a "Roster Reminder" email confirming they now have that duty.

To cancel a Transfer request, go to My duties and click the CANCEL button that is visible beside the duty that you requested the Transfer for:


For some Club events, volunteers are sought. For roles for which you are eligible to volunteer, a Volunteer button will be visible in the Duty Roster and at the foot of the Event webpage as illustrated in this example:

If you volunteer for a duty:

  1. You will receive an email confirming this
  2. Your name will appear in the Duty Roster marked "Pending"
  3. The duty will appear in My duties marked Volunteer waiting approval with a Cancel button.

If you no longer wish to volunteer for that duty, click Cancel. If not, you will eventually be approved and then:

  1. "Pending" will be deleted from the Duty Roster
  2. My duties will read Accepted/Acknowledged with the option to apply for a swap.

Contacting Other members of Your Duty Crew

To find contact details of other Club members, you can always refer to the Membership Directory.

In 2019, in an effort to make it easier for members serving on the same Duty Crew to contact each other, contact information was added to the Duty Roster. If you go to MY HOME/My duties, you will see a list of your Duty Crew and their contact details, all in one place. Note that a phone number is only available if the member concerned has entered this via MY HOME/My profile.

In 2021, SCM added a new facility to the website's Duty Roster module to make it even easier for you to contact members of your duty crew by email. This can be particularly useful for ROs. Conscientious ROs have always maintained email lists for their crew. The advantage of the integrated email facility is that it copes with swaps.

To access this facility, go to MY HOME/My duties. If you have any duties left this season, you will find a Send button. Clicking this will allow you to set up an email to all, or a selection of, your fellow crew members.

Last updated 12:49 on 5 March 2025

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