Useful Pages
Below are links to some important or popular webpages.
- Go to DISCOVER SAILING if you would like to go sailing with Seafarers.
- Go to WEBCOLLECT to book Training, Discover Sailing, OnBoard, etc.
- Go to MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE and click on the appropriate email to contact a Club official.
- Go to TRAINING - DETAILS AND BOOKING if you want to see what vacancies still exist.
- Go to DEFIBRILLATOR to learn how to access this vital piece of equipment.
- Go to JOINING POINT if you are considering joining the RYA.
- Go to ARCHIVES for data about the Club since its foundation including reports and photographs.
To access the pages below, members must first Log in.
- Go to My Home to access:
- My Duties to see when you are next duty.
- Duty Crew Guides to refresh yourself on your role as an OOD, SBD, TD or Beach Crew.
- Membership Directory to contact a fellow Club member.
- Boat Space Allocations to locate the berth for your boat within the compound.
- Go to Club Documents to read/download the Rules, the SOP or minutes of recent meetings.
Note: Side menus will help you find the information you seek. For smart phone users, access is by touching "More".
Last updated 13:02 on 9 February 2025