Contacting Us
Postal Address
The Car Park
Salterns Road
Hill Head
PO14 3QS
Telephone 01329 662465
Note: The telephone has no messaging facility and will only be answered when there is someone at the club. This is usually when racing is taking place, when the bar is open or when there is a Social event. Please see the Club Programme for these times.
Membership Matters
If you might be interested in joining Seafarers, go to the Join Us page. In addition to some useful background , this will give you access to information about the different membership categories, boats spaces and, of course, subscription rates. Alternatively, contact our Membership Secretary.
For comments or feedback on this website please contact the Assistant Webmaster or the Communications Officer.
Non-Membership Matters
For all Club matters apart from membership and the website, please contact the Honorary Secretary.
Last updated 19:07 on 26 July 2024