2024 LH & NC Series » Ladies & Handicap and Novice & Cadets 2
Select the link / 2024 LH and NC Series / above to see a list of the remaining races in this series.
Ladies and Handicap boats sail as one fleet. Novices and Cadets boats sail as one fleet. The former start 6 minutes before the latter. The format is to be Average Lap Time. Results will be calculated separately for Ladies, Handicap, Novices, and Cadets. For details, refer to the Club's Sailing Instructions.
Novices and Cadets are required to identify their boats by using the red and white striped tape provided tied to the end of their boom. Ladies and Handicap sailors MUST be aware of Novices and Cadets on the water and give them sufficient room. The rules of the road and racing rules are in force but if in doubt experienced sailors should manoeuvre away.
HW: 11:02
Please log-in to see details of crew available (0) / boats needing crew (0) or to add your own details.
Last updated 10:29pm on 27 February 2024